
In 2005, during the heat of the booming reality talent show era, Jessica Sierra joined American Idol for its 5th season. Sierra was the season’s 10th placer while Carrie Underwood won the title. Even though she did not become the champion of the competition, she still came out as a winner because the industry welcomed her and gave her her own album, Enough.  She could have been one of the most successful artists in the entertainment scene. However, she wasn’t able to handle all the stress and temptations present in the industry.

In an unfortunate twist of fate, she found herself battling substance abuse and multiple legal issues. She needed to hire lawyers to defend her in court for various charges, including possession of illegal substances and assault. The former American Idol contestant was spotted at a restaurant working as a waitress. Many fans couldn’t believe what happened to the talented lady, who had the potential to become one of the greatest singers of all time.
