Greta Garbo – Art Collector


The late Greta Garbo chose to have a private life over continuing her successful career in Hollywood. At her prime, she earned three Academy Award nominations for Best Actress. In 1926, Greta started her career doing silent films and eventually worked on her first speaking movie, Anna Christie, in 1930. However, she labelled it as a “box office poison” when her fame was starting to decline, and her popularity was decreasing. Fortunately, she managed to recover and land a role in the comedy film Ninotchka in 1939.

When Greta Garbo was 35 years old, she decided to retire. She enjoyed a leisurely life and often went on vacation. Garbo became an art collector, collecting Pierre-Auguste Renoir’s works, Pierre Bonnard, and Kees van Dongen. She must have thought so well about being an art collector as her massive art collection was a good investment as the pieces probably worth millions of dollars as we speak.
