Chris Owen – Waiter


If you’ve watched American Pie, then you probably recognize Chris Owen’s face. He starred in its films, sequels, and spinoffs. He worked on many other movies in the 90s such as Major Payne, Black sheep, Angus but he only had minor roles. During his course of acting, Owen has also appeared in television shows and music videos.

After being disappeared from the movie industry for a long time he makes a comeback with two more movies and landed a role on Criminal Minds before retiring. His acting career was short-lived, so he looked for a different job to make ends meet. Back in 2014, Owen was seen working as a waiter at a sushi restaurant in Santa Monica, California. This 40-year-old star didn’t deny this and even mentioned that his new job lets him stay in the fight. We hope he finds a good investment to place a part of his earnings so he can multiply it.
