Beyoncé and Jay-Z: $45 Million, Los Angeles


Beyoncé and Jay-Z are not only topping the charts; when it comes to being a powerful and successful couple, the two are also high up on the list. With a combined net worth of around $1.6 billion, we can safely assume that their credit cards are pretty infinite. It’s no wonder that, with that kind of money, the couple was able to purchase a $45 million home in Los Angeles with fourteen bedrooms, a bowling alley, and a tennis court!

There is no doubt, Beyonce, Jay-Z, and their family is living a luxurious life within their city. The property also includes a citrus orchard and fabulous swimming pools. The couple both created a legacy in the industry. Beyonce alone ranked 41 in the list of Wealthiest Self-made Women. It must be amazing to own such a large property and not, at all, worry about home mortgage rates! It must be tough finding a gift for such a wealthy couple.
