Sylvester Stallone: $10 Million, Beverly Hills


Sylvester Stallone is everyone’s favorite action film star. Having appeared in multiple blockbusters such as Rocky, The Expendables and Rambo, his $400 million net worth is more than impressive! With many actors citing him as an inspiration, it’s no wonder that the legacy he created could afford him a stunning Beverly Hills villa.

Estimated to be worth around $10 million, the property stretches at 16,000 square feet and houses the actor’s car collection, along with nine bedrooms that were designed to match the Italian-style theme of the estate. As an A-list celebrity, you can be sure that Sylvester keeps his home security system efficient. At 74 years old, the Italian Stallion proves he is unstoppable, continuing to achieve more dreams and making more investments so he can give his family the life they deserve. Thus, you could assume that he would not have any more problems like mortgage nor loans in the near future.
