Jessica Chastain: $8.8 Million, New York


Jessica Chastain is one of Hollywood’s greatest actresses, and she proved that through her performances on the silver screen. Off-screen, and to her credit, the actress still exercises her influence by being a producer and also an advocate for women’s rights. In 2012, Time Magazine included her in the list of 100 Most Influential People in the World! With such success, Jessica is able to afford a real estate investment worth $5.1 million in Midtown, New York.

Her luxurious apartment stretches at 3,200 square feet and has nine bedrooms. And no, she did not settle for one mansion alone. In 2019, she also spent $8.8 million on a townhouse in New York with 6,600 square feet. She also bought a house located in Pacific Palisades in Los Angeles. Since the actress likes to read, she even made sure to include a fantastic library as well!
