
Sasha Pieterse is a famous actress who portrayed a popular character in the TV series, Pretty Little Liars. She also played a supporting role in the movie Geek Charming in 2011. The actress also starred in G.B.G, a teen comedy film. Testing the extend of her skills, she also participated in the 25th season of Dancing with the Stars, placing tenth. Owing to her PCOS, she started gaining weight, and her fans took notice of it. She also received ridicules online because of her weight.

Fortunately, Sasha knew she had to make healthy investments, and that was by making her lose weight.With the help of a fitness routine and a strict diet, she lost a total of 37 pounds of the 70 pounds that she needed to shed, which is a great success. Currently, she’s able to manage and maintain her weight, which made her become an inspiration to people who are suffering from PCOS.
