
Rikishi was a famous wrestler of WWE who weighed around 425 pounds. He was at one time an InterContinental Champion and WWE Tag Team Champion. Rikishi traces his sumo wrestling skills to his Anoa’i family, known for their wrestling prowess. He is not that active in the sport anymore, and so he needed to shed some pounds.

Because of his change in career, he definitely lost some weight. This made people curious as to how he managed to lose a total of 125 pounds. He credits his successful weight loss journey to his regular fitness routine. For years, he continuously ate a low-carb diet and did cardio exercises almost every day. According to reports, Rikishi is not yet done with his journey. He is still trying to lose more weight while gaining muscles. He probably draws inspiration from his wife and five children who would want him to be around for much longer and living healthy was the way to do that.
