
Ricki Lake is a known TV personality who starred in the movie Hairspray that was released in 1988. From 1883 until 2004, the Lake was the host of the titular talk show, Ricki Lake. What is impressive about this is that Lake was only 24 when she hosted her own syndicated show. Thus, she was given praise for being the youngest to achieve such success.During her teenage years at Lake was at 300 pounds. Since being heavy-weighted had become a problem for her, she decided to try the Atkins diet among the many weight loss schemes.

It cost her around $100 per week, and that investment paid off because she lost a total of 100 pounds at the end of the program.Unfortunately, when she parted ways with her then-husband Christian Evans, Ricki started gaining weight again. She decided to have a workout schedule to shed get rid of all the belly fat and maintain a healthy weight. Even though she did not have a high degree of success when it came to her weight loss journey, Ricki definitely made do with what she had.
