
At one point, fans noticed that the stand-up comedian Debra DiGiovanni might have already reached the 300-pound mark. That raised concern for her family and her closest friends, and they encouraged the comedian to take their advice and reduce her body weight. After explaining the risks involved in obesity and other health issues brought by excessive weight, Debra found herself in a precarious situation and decided to act as soon as possible.

She reduced her food and daily calories and made a significant improvement in her overall health, which lowered her risks of any help from a medical insurance company. We see her on the stage today looking healthier and lighter compared to the shadow of her past. Debra has since then ditched the plus-sized persona and is now flaunting her medium-sized look. She recently released a comedy skit titled “How to be a Cougar.” Debra’s also active in accepting stand up performances and other comedy acting projects.
