Sharon Stone – Age 61


Sharon Stone looks so gorgeous that everyone thinks she is either using an expensive skincare regimen or may have undergone cosmetic surgeries. However, people don’t know that Sharon is a staunch user of moisturizers. According to her, moisturizing products are worth the investment.

As for her diet secrets, Sharon mentioned that she removed sodas, gluten, caffeine, and alcohol from her diet as these have different adverse effects on her skin. Instead, she started exercising and changed to a healthier meal plan to ensure that she will stay fit as she ages. Indeed, taking proper care of our bodies is something each of us should make an effort to do. Sharon was right in making it a habit ever since she was young. Now that she’s in the senior years of her life, she looks effortlessly glowing. No one will ever guess her age! Getting the unhealthy substances out of your system also works wonders for your health. Not only will you look and feel good, but you will probably live longer as well.
