Dolly Parton – Age 73


Dolly Parton was one of the most popular country music singers during the ‘60s. Due to her outstanding performances, she became one of the most recognizable country musicians worldwide. Her beauty also helped during her career, but her age started to show up on her face when Dolly developed fine lines and wrinkles.

Using some of her investment money, she decided to have plastic surgery procedures in certain areas of her face. It seems like the right choice considering the favorable improvements in Dolly’s looks. She looks younger than her real age, which is 73 years old. Besides a superstar, Parton looked after her aging because of wanted to feel beautiful no matter how old she is. Now that she’s in her seventies, she doesn’t feel like others her age do because she managed to ward off the unwanted marks aging brings to your face. It’s a good thing she can afford her skincare.
