
Supermodel Patti Hansen and Rolling Stone member Keith Richards are also included in our list. The duo met at Hansen’s 23rd birthday and as Richards described it, “It was just… boom. We just clicked.” They got married in 1983 and a funny thing happened. Hansen was so happy when he proposed that she jumped on him and broke his toe. In recent years, they faced challenges when Hansen was diagnosed with breast cancer. Richards staying by her side was the best support she received.

We think they won’t have to worry about hefty medical expenses since they probably have insurance to help cover those. In 2007, the couple faced a new challenge when Patti Hansen was diagnosed with bladder cancer and was treated with chemotherapy until she became free from cancer. The couple triumphed from the deadly disease twice now and became stronger than ever. Richards and Hansen have proven that every couple can fight and overcome trials and tribulations in their lives.
