
One of the most hilarious love stories belongs to actor Bryan Cranston and Robin Dearden. Theirs was an unlikely story, but it all seems like destiny in retrospect. The day they met was so memorable to the degree that they laugh about it until today. Their first encounter with each other was on the set of the TV series Airwolf in 1986. Cranston portrayed a hijacker and Dearden played hostage, and in the scene where they were together, Cranston held a gun to her head.

What seemed like a funny experience turned out to be something that changed their lives. They tied the knot in 1989, and in 1993, they gave birth to their daughter Taylor. Did you know that Robin Dearden appeared on an episode of the TV series Breaking Bad? Many probably missed her. Needless to say, this was the show that made Bryan Cranston a household name.
