These Insane Celebrity Houses Are Enough To Make Your Jaw Drop

Eddie Murphy: $85 Million, Hollywood Hills


There’s no doubt that Eddie Murphy has brought smiles and laughs to audiences around the world because of his talent for gags. The actor has an enormous net worth because of his roles in comedy films that we’re still watching today. Because he’s such a great comedic actor, he can afford to purchase a home in Hollywood Hills, even one that’s worth $20 million! Most of his investment money is spent on making his home even greater than before, raising its value to a stunning $85 million!


It’s no surprise since the mansion has its own tennis courts, outdoor pools, and indoor pools. Eddie Murphy’s villa covers nearly 19,000 square feet. The villa is in Mediterranean style as a whole, with 17 bathrooms and 10 bedrooms, as well as a swimming pool and a bowling alley. The surrounding landscape of the villa creates tropical scenery and improves the overall level.
