Chuck Norris | $70 Million


Being an iconic action star since the ‘70s, Chuck Norris was always considered one of Hollywood’s best martial artists, alongside his fellow actor, the late Bruce Lee – with whom he worked for the 1972 film Way of the Dragon. Chuck Norris won several martial arts competitions and founded his own martial arts discipline known as Chun Kuk Do. He also served in the U.S.

Air Force in the past, as well as trained numerous celebrities in martial arts. Norris then got a couple of credits for being a New York Times bestselling author for his book The Secret of Inner Strength: My Story in 1988 and Black Belt Patriotism: How to Reawaken America in 2008. All of his dedication to the craft has given him an estimated net worth of around $70 million, and at present, he remains relevant as an internet sensation who’s been the subject of various memes.
