Robert Redford | 84


Robert Redford started his career in the entertainment industry through Broadway in New York City. Soon getting recognition in theatre he was cast in many television shows and big films. His performances in ”Butch Cassidy”, the ”Sundance Kid” and ”All President Men” was well praised by the audience. Robert Redford spent his entire career acting, directing, and campaigning for social change.


This retired actor had just recently announced his retirement in 2019, and his last cameo was in the movie Avengers: End game. Redford is a recipient of numerous awards and accolades. Redford was included in Time magazine’s annual Time 100 as one of the most influential people in the world. For his contributions to the industry, he was given a Lifetime Achievement Award in 2002. Redford is most likely satisfied with the achievements he’s made, and he put investment money into the right business–the Sundance Film Festival.
