Mila Kunis | 37
Mila Kunis is an American actress who was born in Ukraine. The actress started acting at a very young age. At the age of 7, her family put investments into moving all the way to the United States for her to be able to pursue her career. She starred in Fox’s That 70s Show, alongside Ashton Kutcher, who is now her husband. Kunis is a known foodie but is also known to be very strict with her diet and workout routine. The actress even managed to easily lose her pregnancy weight because of the discipline she has when it comes to her body.
With this knowledge, one would easily assume that she also manages to maintain her youthful looking skin, and she proves this every time she is candidly photographed.There are a number of times that Kunis is seen not wearing any makeup. She firmly believes that a no-makeup look is the way to go that she often only dons the slightest touch-up. Anyhow, Kunis doesn’t need these things to make her more gorgeous than she already is.