Eureka, California


At this point, we’re all acquainted with the word “eureka.” Attributed to one of history’s most outstanding scholars, Archimedes. “Eureka” has since become the term we exclaim when we have achieved or discovered something. Well, with that in mind, perhaps it wouldn’t hurt to assume that one of this city’s founders said the same thing upon establishing it.

Although it is heard and noticed by many, it took years before Eureka, California, was founded. Moreover, this was primarily due to the challenging weather conditions around the area – not to mention its geographic features. Since then, plenty of investments have come in to improve the city during its first industrial period. With it also known as one of the best small art towns in America, it’s no surprise Eureka is also home to many festivals, museums, and galleries. Plus, another fun fact worth noting: a couple of famous actors have also left their marks on the city, such as Lloyd Bridges and Brendan Fraser.
