Lafayette, Louisiana


If you want to retire somewhere with good food and some old-world charm, Lafayette, Louisiana, is the place for you!

The vibrant city sitting in the heart of Indiana prides itself on a plethora of delectable cuisine and a thriving musical culture. In fact, Lafayette is widely known for its extravagant music festivals that run from spring to fall. However, if you’re not into that whole festival culture, don’t worry! The city also has some quaint neighborhoods that offer a more tranquil environment, where you can enjoy golf, camping, paddling, and fishing facilities. There’s also no shortage of art museums for the creatives to indulge in. The Hilliard Art Museum alone holds various activities and exhibitions all year round, so you’ll always find something to pass the time with. Overall, we believe that spending your retirement investment in Lafayette is more than worth it, considering everything it has to offer.
