Onward, Noble Steed!


In this photo, a majestic-looking lemur is taking a ride on top of the head of a human person. It’s certainly fun when the animal kingdom flips the role on unexpecting humans. It’s almost as if this lemur is commanding the human to proceed to wherever it wants. And, it easily earns a spot on the funniest photos of the holidays.

From the looks of it, the animal in this photo is a wild lemur. The humans in the image must’ve encountered it during their recent outdoor adventures. Though they may be cute and cuddly, lemurs can be pretty dangerous as they have sharp teeth that can give a nasty bite. Moreover, they have incredibly agile hands and a high level of intelligence. Regardless of its dangers, we’d have to commend and give credit to the guy for remaining calm while the lemur takes an unplanned ride on top of his head.
