

Mishaps can happen at any given time, so when always going places, it is best to be prepared and have travel insurance. Also, ensure that there are emergency supplies and a first aid kit to attend to minor wounds and first to second-degree burns. Good anti-vertigo medicine should also be in the kit to give to someone with acrophobia.

In the photo below, we can see someone almost going off the ledge of the Grand Canyon. Moreover, the image originated in 2012, during the 22-year-old’s vacation trip with her partner. They then sent this image to the girl’s mom—as a prank! There was an unseen ledge where the girl was stepping on, so she was safe. Nonetheless, it might be overwhelming to send a prank as serious as this. Their mom might have a fit and faint! On the other hand, if the joke goes well, family and friends will be laughing about it for years.
