Just Bear With The Costume, Thanks


Mascots are a common sight to see, especially in the world of sports. They represent their respective colleges or teams and provide audiences and fans with some entertainment. While many of them represent individual groups exceptionally well, a couple of mascots radiate a more distinct type of charm.

Besides schools and sports teams, some venues also have mascots made to attract the younger side of their target demographic – or try to, at least. Well, one such example would be this Arctic-themed park. While its polar teddy bear looks like an adorable animal version, the same cannot be said for its mascot. It’s like it’s staring back at the camera, in a way, like it has seen things it wasn’t supposed to see. By the looks of it, though, the interestingly designed mascot did little to no harm to this family’s experience – but it did find itself a spot on the internet.
