An Unpleasant Roller Coaster Ride


Roller coasters have a reputation for being one of the most exciting experiences on the planet. If you ever find yourself riding one, there’s a good chance that you won’t ever forget that particular experience. Interestingly, that unforgettable experience can result in a positive or negative one. In the photo, you can see both contrasts as the child displays fear and the adult beside him looks like he’s having the time of his life.

This particular photo is the perfect example of how we find fun can be relative depending on the person. In fact, there’s an interesting statistic that reveals that there are some people who are scared of roller coasters. This kid certainly looks like he’s terrified and that he regrets ever getting into it in the first place. Nonetheless, we’ll have to give him credit for facing his fears and for his participation in this hilarious photo.
